Saturday, May 30, 2020
Sample Essay For College Entrance Exam
Test Essay For College Entrance ExamThe issues of sexual orientation imbalance in the US have been tended to through various endeavors. One route is to utilize test papers that are then utilized as audit papers for understudies at different schools and colleges. These example expositions are the most normally utilized examples since they are simply so acceptable, and they can give each understudy of each sexual orientation a chance to find out about sex inequality.College ladies have been extremely fruitful lately in accomplishing an advanced education. The sex irregularity at a large number of the schools and colleges is inferable from the way that there are a bigger number of men who are applying to school than there are ladies. This has made a circumstance where ladies need to give significantly more consideration to school affirmations, and they should ensure that they are not forgotten about in the first round of the school confirmations process.There are numerous manners by whi ch an understudy can get mindful of sex disparity in school, however it needs to begin in grade school. An examining of sexual orientation imbalance is useful in light of the fact that it shows how sex disparity is instilled in the public arena and in foundations. These examples are free for anybody to download, and they can be utilized as reference materials for the school applications that understudies must write.There are a wide range of tests that are accessible. These incorporate probably the best articles at any point composed for school confirmations. The expositions that are utilized can enable each understudy to set themselves up to compose a superior article in the future.The American Educational Research Association, or AERA, has given an instrument that can be utilized to decide the commonness of sex disparity at different schools and colleges. By rounding out a little structure with the school that an understudy wishes to apply to, the example exposition sexual orientat ion imbalance can be gotten. This is a magnificent instrument that can show exactly how pervasive the issue of sexual orientation disparity is.The issue of sex imbalance in the workforce is one that is getting consideration from legislators and the media so as to demonstrate that ladies ought to have the option to deal with the full-length paper that is required for school confirmations. The example paper sexual orientation imbalance is a strategy that assists with indicating that sex dissimilarity isn't just a matter of when you are conceived, yet in addition a matter of how you are dealt with. The individuals who are destined to be oppressed can't win, on the grounds that their trainings won't be finished without the component of sex inequality.Students can round out the example paper sexual orientation disparity frame and get it as a PDF record. This is a basic structure that can be rounded out on the web and submitted. The structure requires the understudy to give some data abou t their life before the accommodation of the structure, however the entirety of the inquiries that are posed to will be remembered for the paper.The test exposition sex disparity is accessible at no expense to the understudy. In the event that they give the data on the structure, they can give a superior exposition later on. Meanwhile, the understudy can find out about the difficulties and the disparities that ladies face in the public arena and in the working environment.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
College Essay About Theatre
School Essay About TheatreIf you are approached to compose a school exposition about theater, what would it be a good idea for you to compose? The appropriate response is more than conceivable, and you may have a great deal of fun with it. You have to remove your very own inclination from the condition. Your paper will be one of a kind and you will get an opportunity to show your imagination in the field of film.One of the upsides of learning about plays is that there is continually something occurring. In the event that you are watching a play or a film now, it is continually energizing to perceive what comes straightaway. This can make you consider other sensational circumstances and what might occur on the off chance that you were the one making them. You will likewise get thoughts from genuine occasions. You might need to do a little research on the past to discover how plays were organized and performed so you can make the future emotional as well.A smart thought is to investiga te the subtleties of what goes on in a play before you attempt to expound on it yourself. It is ideal to peruse the content first and to see the ensembles, props, set structure, and sets before you start composing. This will give you a superior thought of how to begin. You will have the option to expound on the characters and their relationship to one another and how they are associated with what occurs in the play.Another approach to get ready is to see a play yourself, to figure out how it was performed. Go on the web and see a review of a play you like, and afterward take notes about how the entertainers are moving and acting. You can utilize these as a manual for assist you with improving your playwriting skills.Keep as a main priority that this sort of composing requires some composing aptitudes. You should be sorted out and careful when you are making a paper or article. You will likewise need to have some information on the topic you are expounding on. You probably won't be a specialist in Shakespeare, yet you can figure out how to learn by perusing different plays and perusing plays you enjoy.Some authors guarantee to be specialists in the region of theater and they are presumably not excessively acquainted with scholarly accomplishments, however they can in any case add to your paper. A couple of models are playing themselves, citing Shakespeare, or looking into and getting ready for the best plays. They can offer you some guidance regarding how a play has been arranged and performed. They can assist you with getting comfortable with the most elite plays.You ought to consistently don't hesitate to connect with the plays you are expounding on the grounds that they are for the most part unique in relation to one another. A few people discover comfort in perusing stories composed without anyone else and others might be searching for that escape from the regular worries of life, however regardless, on the off chance that you love the play, you ought to ha ve the option to communicate that adoration in your paper. You ought to have the option to show how you feel about your play through your own words.As you can see, a school paper about performance center is as fully open as the field itself. You can have a ton of fun expounding regarding the matter and you can apply the subjects of a play to your own life. It tends to be finished. What's more, you ought to do it.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
What Are Some Good College Research Paper Topics
What Are Some Good College Research Paper Topics?The day is finally here that you are going to start writing your own research papers. This may be a stressful task for you, but it is one that you should not let make you lose concentration. It is important to have a list of topics to write about so that you can be focused. A lot of times, students will find themselves writing papers that are simply not interesting and will never be finished.Papers are meant to be read, but when the writer is not properly organized, they may become neglected. While writing is an art, some things can be done to help make it easier. When you are researching college research paper topics, it is essential to determine what you want to research. If you know this, you can begin to plan out the topics that you need to write about.For those who have a topic in mind, there are many options available for what are some good college research paper topics. Topics can include but are not limited to, government organ izations, literature, social issues, economics, health issues, religion, education, psychology, business, and business practices. With so many different topics to choose from, it is important to know that you do not run out of topics as you research.In addition to these topics, it is also important to know what kind of format you want to use when compiling your paper. Formatting is something that can vary, but there are many formats that are used. You can create a bibliography, write a thesis statement, or even a table of contents. If you know which type of formatting you would like to use, you can narrow down your search.Since so many people use word processing programs, it is important to know that there are templates available for college research paper topics. These templates allow you to quickly create the layout that you need. All you need to do is type in the content for each chapter and then simply insert the numbers.This will allow you to easily get the paper to turn out ju st the way you want it. One of the best benefits of these types of templates is that they can be easily shared with others. This allows you to make as many copies as you need, if you choose.There are plenty of websites that provide templates for what are some good college research paper topics. Most of these sites give you the option to share these templates with others. You can then have others review the papers and offer feedback on the topics that they find interesting.There are also many resources available to help you find some good college research paper topics. If you take time to look for them, you may be able to download templates and even write a bibliography, all within minutes. This can help you develop papers that are much more professional and well written.
Friday, May 22, 2020
How to Get Professional Help With Your Dissertation
<h1>How to Get Professional Help With Your Dissertation</h1><p>When it comes to composing your postulation paper there are a wide range of proposal paper help benefits out there. There are a few unique sorts of help that you can go to, and huge numbers of them have particular core interests. With a legitimate blend of all the different administrations you can ensure that your theory is finished in an auspicious manner.</p><p></p><p>One of the initial steps when you are setting up your proposition paper is to think about your point. What is your essential worry with this subject? Is it because of a particular undertaking you have been dealing with, or is it something that will truly assist you with completing your scholastic profession? What will you spread? These will influence your proposal decisions and ought to be considered before you go to research.</p><p></p><p>Once you have a portion of these thoughts as a main priority, you can begin searching for various types of help. In the event that you need to go to an organization that will compose the entire thing for you they can be discovered on the web. These sites won't just give you their help with investigating your point, yet they will likewise flexibly you with free composing tests that you can use as you compose your proposition. You can likewise inquire as to whether they have any proposals. You ought to likewise examine the various organizations that offer altering services.</p><p></p><p>Another choice is to take a gander at a proposition book. These are accessible from most school libraries and are once in a while utilized as the primary course in the understudy's composing course. The book gives the understudy a progressively close to home manual for the point being expounded on and shows them how to compose well. This can likewise be joined with postulation help benefits so as to ensure that the course is comp osed well and has been finished on time.</p><p></p><p>Many proficient editors offer this kind of help also. In spite of the fact that this is a progressively costly alternative they can help you in different manners too, for example, editing your composition or revamping bits of the paper that you feel need consideration. This will permit you to proceed onward to different pieces of your theory and abstain from changing your paper mid-course.</p><p></p><p>Many understudies are exceptionally stressed over whether they will discover the help they need when searching for proposal help. This is the reason it is so imperative to have a thought of what you will be expounding on. You ought to have a solid thought of what you are really going after, yet in addition be set up to change what you are doing considering the direction that you receive.</p><p></p><p>Finding thesis help may not be something that you investigate immediately. In any case, when you do start to search for assist you with willing understand that there are alternatives accessible and that you can have everything that you have to finish your proposition on schedule.</p>
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Four Steps to Writing a College Essay
<h1>Four Steps to Writing a College Essay</h1><p>Why would you like to compose a school article? It very well may be difficult for understudies to be similarly situated they were the point at which they are entering school; be that as it may, it doesn't need to be hard to get ready for school. By making a couple of basic strides, you can start composing the most significant reports that will characterize you for a considerable length of time to come.</p><p></p><p>Identify yourself: Identify your major. On the off chance that you are a business major, at that point expound on the various kinds of organizations and what their qualities are. On the off chance that you are a science major, expound on the future and what you would like to accomplish. Your educator or consultant will have the option to disclose to you which zone you are increasingly keen on considering. Regardless, ensure you set yourself apart from your companions and decide your abilities and interests.</p><p></p><p>Set up your arrangement: Before you start composing, ensure you set up your organization ahead of time. Make a rundown of themes you might want to cover and sort out your points as the subject of your article. Keep your subjects as near one another as conceivable to give you a simple time with composing. You can generally develop the subjects later if vital. Your arrangement ought to likewise be as simple to peruse as could reasonably be expected, in spite of the fact that you may make them altering to do before the real accommodation of your essay.</p><p></p><p>Your composing style: This may appear glaringly evident, however it is one of the more disregarded focuses with regards to your school article. As the peruser, you will get on the way that your paper was composed by an individual. Your voice ought to mirror your character and not simply be a drag. Be brief and have the accentuation be on th e data that you need to share. Try not to be hesitant to really expound; recollect, this is your school transcript and it's significant that you incorporate the entirety of the data you need to offer.</p><p></p><p>Your own style: It is significant that you utilize your own style. When composing a school article, your own voice and independence will truly come out. This implies you have to put forth the attempt to realize what your composing style is and how it fits into the fundamental components of your article. You would prefer not to do a nearby and insipid first draft. Rather, you have to show that you are the author that you are and not only a duplicate feline. You will make your school exposition considerably more interesting in the event that you take a gander at your material and give it an individual touch.</p><p></p><p>Focus: This may appear to be an odd point, however it is significant. Center is the watchword with regards t o making your paper extraordinary. Understudies will be searching for explicit data from your composition. Thus, it is significant that you incorporate the entirety of the data that you need to make your school article exceptional. It's significant that you center around the subject that you are expounding on. Try not to lose all sense of direction in the details.</p><p></p><p>Writing a school paper can be trying for most understudies. In any case, by knowing the means above, you can start your journey to composing a paper that you will be pleased with. The outcomes will be precious and will show that you put thought into the subject and report that you submitted.</p>
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
The Tried and True Method for Good Essay Topics on the Oil Industry in Step by Step Detail
<h1>The Tried and True Method for Good Essay Topics on the Oil Industry in Step by Step Detail </h1> <h2>The Importance of Good Essay Topics on the Oil Industry </h2> <p>It's conjectured this spill will be felt for quite a while to come. The authorities from each nation meet a few times each year to decide if the costs of oil per barrel must be balanced. The gas and oil industry have an extraordinary influence in our everyday lives together with the economy. At an up and coming oil cost spike wouldn't demonstrate a sign of recuperation of the oil advertise. </p> <p>It shows up clear our legislature won't be helping check oil cost increments. Society should attempt to recollect that congressional pioneers don't need to cover their own fuel. Indeed, even as the interest for oil and gas increments over the planet, there are numerous difficulties which are confronting the business. </p> <p>This section is very significant in light of the fact that it leaves the peruser having the most prompt impression. The peruser should agree with the writer's position by the end of the perusing. Before you start composing a solitary expression of your paper, you first should comprehend what your postulation will be. Try not to disregard to build up an effective layout to be successful!</p> <p>Therefore inside a venture group a combo of both specialized and business disciplines work intimately with one another to ensure the undertaking is practical. You could battle to get to the examination which helps your contention, and you ma y likewise be re-thinking your own comprehension. It is absolutely critical to invest energy in looking into and choosing the theme that accommodates your capacities and information best. There are heaps of components influencing the worker commercial center, similar to the UK's maturing workforce and the interest for proper capacities and capabilities. </p> <p>The length of control will wind up more extensive as the assortment of representatives being directed increments. A few units it may create would go down because of the ascent in cost. Thesis themes in gas and oil the board ordinarily focus on the executives issues, natural concerns, procedures and conventions in the business and support of assets. Another bigger test that is looked by the gas and oil business is the more prominent expense of administrations. </p> <p>The assembling and utilization of oil additionally show up with various social and ecological difficulties. With the approach of new frac king strategies, it is currently modest and bounteous in the U.S. what's more, worldwide gracefully keeps on developing. It is utilized to create items like vehicle energizes and numerous other basic items. Unrefined petroleum is a fairly significant all-common asset. </p> <p>There are different fields that it is conceivable to utilize, and we've accumulated a couple of models. By and by, there's an on-going interest for advancement advances that may help set up, improvement and creation of more oil and gas all together for the business can be emphatically affected. Obviously, a few things could happen that would forestall this sort of oil flexibly crunch, thus an oil value spike. Most of the oil organizations planned to bring down the investigation expenses of the present oil fields and lift their creation and recoverable stores. </p> <h2> The Debate Over Good Essay Topics on the Oil Industry</h2> <p>The deteriorated creation is credited to an aggregate of components in the universal segment. A pattern which won't occur in our current purchaser driven economy. Only by bringing down the assortment of wares that industry production would we be able to try to diminish the continuation levels to the all-regular climate. It's normal that the EOR assumes a brilliant position on the planet advertise. </p> <p>If you're keen on your point, finding out about it will be increasingly pleasurable and you'll compose with expanded enthusiasm, so select your theme insightfully. Understudies are acquainted with the reality which their educators give them with the task's point. An understudy is made to delve in more profound into the data, and here, they have an opportunity to get a handle on the ideas that they've learned and be in a situation to apply them to a subject that is reasonable. </p> <p>One of the most troublesome things about composing a paper is finding an astounding point to expound on. You may find that a great deal of the subjects can be adjusted to suit practically any sort of composing task. Not all examination paper points are made equivalent, and you might want to guarantee you settle on a phenomenal theme before you initiate composing. Regardless of whether a particular research paper theme is getting a lot of buzz as of now or other people appear to be keen on expounding on it, don't feel enticed to make it your point on the off chance that you don't really have an enthusiasm for it moreover. </p> <p>EssayShark is an assistance that may manage any kind of schoolwork. At the point when you are mentioned to settle on an extraordinary subject for your contention, start with something you're acquainted with. It's information everybody may profit by. The answer gives off an impression of being self-evident. </p> <h2>The Basic F acts of Good Essay Topics on the Oil Industry </h2> <p>In request to remain beneficial and serious the modern edge must be considered in blend with the specialized advances. This data will be go through the length of control in each layer. On the other side, the industry will likewise need to adjust to new advances and apparatus that is not yet been presented. This is often the situation when there's a need to oversee more prominent creation levels or when the utilization of authority gear is important. </p>
Shocking Information About 5th Grade Essay Topics Uncovered
<h1> Shocking Information About fifth Grade Essay Topics Uncovered </h1> <p>The finishing up passage is you're the territory where you might want to summarize your paper and to give the peruser an interesting point following your venture is finished. The most every now and again experienced paper composing administration that most of our customers require is exposition composing. Now and again you give a valiant effort and still, at the end of the day you're not ready to score well in your home undertakings. Film survey investigate undertaking. </p> <p>Once you finish the absolute first draft of your article, it's prescribed to return to the proposition explanation in your absolute first section. Clearly, papers have a major impact in the school application method, moreover. These days it's very hard to find a dependable exposition composing administration. At the point when it might appear to be a contentious exposition isn't not the same as different sorts of papers, contentions have their own how to create an article in mla style. </p> <h2> Gossip, Deception and fifth Grade Essay Topics</h2> <p>For occasion, you should remember the perusers while you select contentions to back up your position. Your proposition sentence ought to give your exact statement and pass on an extremely clear perspective. The amendments are totally free! </p> <p>There's, plainly, a breaking point on the assortment of pages even our absolute best journalists can deliver with a squeezing cutoff time, however for the most part, we make sense of how to fulfill all the customers looking for pressing help. Be sure to feature the benefits of the food that you bring! There are a couple of unmistakable aptitudes required and some particular advances that must be followed while organizing a response to any confounded brief. Indeed, even in the occasion the cutoff time is tight, don't hesitate to get hold of our directors. </p> <h2> The Chronicles of fifth Grade Essay Topics </h2> <p>Write an anecdote about something fun which you did with loved ones during the mid year. Your class will give a day tidying up at a local park. Compose a story identifying with this field trip. Expound on your day in the life expectancy of that person. </p> <p>Our client assistance will readily disclose to you whether there are any extraordinary proposals right now, notwithstanding ensure you are getting the absolute best help our organization may convey. You can without much of a stretch rely upon us to discover article help as we tend to help and guide the understudies with the guide of our expert specialists. Now and again it just requires a push to obtain the data spilling out of you. And still, after all that you're not ready to find the enlightening and exact subtleties. </p> <p>Fortunately, you can figure out how to create a phenomenal exposition in the event that it is conceivable to adhere to the ordinary example and write in an extremely clear and composed strategy. In the event that you wrtiing a three fifth gradewhile you're drafting your evaluation you will probably should fifth back to some of the references you. Compose an illustrative passage identifying with this image. Last draft switch back and forth between composing the last duplicate and penmanship the last duplicate. < /p> <h2> Choosing Good fifth Grade Essay Topics </h2> <p>Anytime you should form a coordinated paper, you should begin with an edge reliant on the parts beneath. Envision you had the perfect space to get your work done. In the event that you are contemplating buying a thing you will in any case have next schedule year, consider pulling out the card however you should be cautious. Expound on the sort of tree you see most in your district. </p> <h2> fifth Grade Essay Topics Secrets</h2> <p>Maybe you can sink a free toss each second. Remember that the cutoff time of the past advance should fall several days prior to the last cutoff time so you can without much of a stretch change, alter, review, and right your piece of composing and can make some last adjustments. Consider what your life would resemble, the way that it would vary living over 200 decades back. Envision that you live either 100 years prior or after 100 years on. </p> < ;h2> The Nuiances of fifth Grade Essay Topics</h2> <p>As consistently, The Teacher's Corner is scanning for techniques to create your life less difficult. Think about a particular ability you have and may educate others. Along these lines understudies realized exactly what's in store and what they should concentrate on. </p> <p>Just realizing the key exposition structure will help, and I will go over that today, alongside giving you a ton of subject thoughts which will be fun and fascinating that you expound on. On the off chance that you like you may look on the web and discover one that you like. </p> <h2> Key Pieces of fifth Grade Essay Topics</h2> <p>10-multi year-old fifth graders are anticipated so as to compose their thoughts and structure sentences well. To prepare for the requests of center school and higher school composing, fifth graders should ace abilities vital for solid true to life composing. They are not very youthful to discuss dubious issues. Some fifth graders may have points they're especially keen on. </p> <p>A commonplace word reference or thesaurus may be utilized during the challenge. In case you're in the fifth grade and you have an exposition that is expected these are various top spectacular thoughts that may permit you to form an extremely great paper. </p> <h2>The One Thing to Do for fifth Grade Essay Topics </h2> <p>So learning cursive is fundamentally up to your youth's instructor. These worksheets are phenomenal for understudies or educators that are looking for additional composing practice. On the off chance that you've just moved on from school or college and are searching for an extraordinary activity, you should get a powerful resume to intrigue your future boss. While instructors should be there to help your kid, he ought to carry out the responsibility. </p>
Sunday, May 10, 2020
The Hidden Truth About Topics of Essay on Healthcare Administration Revealed
<h1> The Hidden Truth About Topics of Essay on Healthcare Administration Revealed</h1> <h2>New Questions About Topics of Essay on Healthcare Administration </h2> <p>One which you have recognized your contention, made a subject of proof to draw from, and defined an extremely clear theory articulation, it is important that now you make a paper. It's inappropriate to english utilizing list lawful in certain subjects. Since picking an appropriate point is basic, the following rundown has a few instances of explicit intrigue today. There might be circumstances, when you will need to create good article subjects relying upon the wellbeing and care issue. </p> <p>Cost of Online Education The virtual study hall is a lot more moderate than the standard physical foundations of higher learning. Taking a gander at IELTS exposition subjects with answers is an immense technique that will assist you with getting prepared for the test. Understudies searching for slanting subjects don't have any absence of thoughts. </p> <h2> Lies You've Been Told About Topics of Essay on Healthcare Administration</h2> <p>Patients can have a particular social foundation or language hindrance which influences the supplier's methodology. They have to feel great and quiet with their social insurance suppliers so as to set up great correspondence, and in this way great consideration. </p> <p>In case the coordinated effort is fruitful and profitable it will truly go about as a model of joint effort for some different networks. A definitive objective of cooperative practice is to flexibly the great help that each patient under our consideration merits. By staying alert, it will help with keeping up a better consideration than the requests of patients. Innovation is granting a decent part in the social insurance division and there's a serious need to change over our medicinal services communities in present day foundation to decrease the assortment of issues for patients and doctors moreover. </p> <h2> Get the Scoop on Topics of Essay on Healthcare Administration Before You're Too Late</h2> <p>Have an advanced reinforcement to regular administrations, understanding that virtual consideration can offer clinical guide in the event of harmed offices, PwC composed. Experience is among the aptitudes which are commonly required to be a main direct or. </p> <h2>The New Angle On Topics of Essay on Healthcare Administration Just Released </h2> <p>On the grounds of above conversation it might be said that the capacity of government should be huge in dealing with the most basic need of neighborhood residents. Snap the read more to arrive is a lot of warmed discussion on a great deal of medical problems in usa, yet in addition in various segments of the world. A mission statement will underscore the unmistakable points that will be picked up. Away from of jobs for experts is fundamental to decrease misconception. </p> <p>In numerous decades, you will be a Doctor of Science. In the long run, Medicare, the nation's significant government clinical protection program, will affect everybody. Sixteen percent of the populace doesn't have medicinal services yet everyone is required to have it when they're hurried to the clinic for care that may be dangerous. Along these lines, the two understudies of soc ial insurance programs together with understudies of some other strength may have an errand to make an exposition on wellbeing point. </p> <h2> The Meaning of Topics of Essay on Healthcare Administration</h2> <p>Another highlight of the populace socioeconomics is the addition in the metropolitan populace by evaluated 20% over the past 80 decades. Under such circumstance on the off chance that you're not having an awesome human services community in your locale, at that point it's extremely forgiving. Over the resulting 30 decades, the amount of individuals with various long haul wellbeing conditions increment. The issue with all inclusive human services, in any case, lies in the straightforward actuality that over all worries, the most significant objective of insurance agencies inside the usa is to gain a benefit. </p> <h2> Choosing Topics of Essay on Healthcare Administration Is Simple </h2> <p>The cost of running the social insuranc e is very exorbitant. Gathering installment has gotten all the more testing as patients have gotten answerable for a greater piece of their doctor's visit expenses. Themes identified with wellbeing give a decent scope of decision. Americans would prefer not to give their well deserved dollars on programs from which they won't see direct points of interest. </p> <p>Of course, when you were given a reasonable activity to compose on a particular point you won't have to wreck your cerebrums looking for something energizing and urgent to harp on. It's not possible for anyone to comprehend the centrality of a human life superior to a medical attendant. With every one of these things to contend about and for, it might be somewhat overpowering to think about a point completely all alone. You start your business for the off base elements. </p> <p>Get to choose from a wide assortment of disputable clinical points for inquire about paper after you submit your request wi th us. When building up an exploration subject in Economics, it's imperative to recognize whether you couldn't want anything more than to contemplate people and industry or an entire economy. Maybe there's a particular medical problem that intrigues you and that brought you to go into the professionfor that you are examining. In case you're keen on explore and the manner in which it identifies with wellbeing training and advancement, there are a ton of subjects to take a gander at. </p>
Saturday, May 9, 2020
Learning to Speak Spanish Through Writing Essay Samples
<h1>Learning to Speak Spanish Through Writing Essay Samples</h1><p>Is it an opportunity to begin taking IELTS composing articles tests on the web? Indeed, it may be the case that you can locate various locales that will offer you some help with this zone. It's never past the point where it is possible to consider going on the web for your Spanish composing samples.</p><p></p><p>If you have recently started to gain proficiency with another dialect and are searching for certain approaches to improve your score, at that point look no farther than going on the web to scan for Spanish talking local speakers who may have high scores. There are a considerable lot of these destinations accessible on the web. These locales permit you to talk with local speakers who can give you tips and exhortation on the most proficient method to improve your IELTS perusing and composing skills.</p><p></p><p>You can generally start by taking s ome free IELTS composing tests before you proceed onward to further developed material. These will be the sort of composing tests that you will have the most accomplishment with. Simply make sure to be quiet and steady. You can never turn into an ace in IELTS without investing some energy into it.</p><p></p><p>You can likewise exploit an extraordinary method to acquire a ton of money with free projects. A large number of these destinations will offer you an opportunity to join and get paid when somebody really purchases an item or administration from them. This is something that you should consider in the event that you are looking to win cash online.</p><p></p><p>How do you really get these IELTS composing exposition tests? The best spot to discover these materials is through a site that offers them for nothing. What's more, a considerable lot of these destinations have guides accessible that will assist you with experiencing these ma terials so you can accomplish your goals.</p><p></p><p>Be sure to experience these courses as they will push you to truly have the option to apply what you realize recorded as a hard copy. It will be exceptionally useful to you. It's significantly simpler to transform your composed work into an incredible bit of work when you gain from another person who has done this before.</p><p></p><p>Therefore, on the off chance that you are hoping to improve your composing abilities, at that point it may merit your time and energy to search for some web based composing tests. These will be useful in helping you sharpen your abilities with the goal that you are prepared to assume the universe of work that anticipates you once you've finished your IELTS exams.</p>
Friday, May 8, 2020
How to Use Media Platforms to Promote Editing Services For College Academic Paper
How to Use Media Platforms to Promote Editing Services For College Academic PaperTo have a successful academic paper, there are several good media platforms that should be used. With these platforms one is able to present his or her paper in a credible manner and this will help the student score high marks in the competition. For a good academic paper there are some highly effective tools that must be used.They are e-newsletters, news radio shows, online news portals, social networking sites, e-magazines and well-known news portals. Each of these is widely used by both academe and the mass audience. One should take utmost care in selecting the best platform to promote editing services for college academic paper.The media platform should be chosen based on its medium choice. An e-newsletter is chosen as the medium because it helps in spreading the news across the world within few hours. This way it makes sure that the message is read and understood by almost everyone. The contents of an e-newsletter must be short and simple and make a point to cover all the important topics.News radio shows are another media platform that can be very useful for the students who have no time to attend a lecture in classrooms. With the use of media platforms to promote editing services for college academic paper the student gets to meet different personalities and share their views. It also helps in encouraging people to take an interest in their subject matter and helps them write in a more engaging way.Social networking sites are another media platform that help in promoting a cause in a very good sound proof. If a student has great news to spread, he can easily go on to these sites and write in such a way that they attract people who visit such sites. There are thousands of users in such sites who will talk about their own unique ideas and what they think of the subject matter of the paper.This helps in providing valuable information to the readers. The more users who are talki ng about the same issue the better and the more people who take interest in the same cause the better. Social networking sites are widely used by academics in the form of media platforms to promote editing services for college academic paper.One can also choose to print news that can be picked up from magazines that can be picked up from online journals. But an advantage with this method is that the print medium choice is limited and the internet readership is huge. Another advantage is that it is a form of promotion that is very effective as the contents are displayed in newspapers and magazines.E-magazines also help in presenting the contents of the magazine in print form of medium choice also depends on the nature of the paper that has to be printed. No matter what medium a student chooses to promote his or her editing services for college academic paper the important thing is that one must make sure that the content is very informative and creates interest in the readers. The ob jective is to convince the readers about the importance of the issue in the paper.
How to Prepare For Your UBE Bar Exam Essay Writing Sample
How to Prepare For Your UBE Bar Exam Essay Writing SampleOne of the most important steps in preparing for your UBE bar exam essay writing sample is actually what to do first. If you have not given thought to what you want to write, do not waste your time and get started on what you think is right.There are several elements that you will need to cover before you can begin to write your essay. The first step in doing this is to go through each and every chapter of your study guide and make sure that you understand the information that is inside of it. Keep track of all of the study tips, puzzles, and games that you come across.You may also want to review all of the information that you got from the U.S. News and World Report's entrance exam guide. Don't be afraid to ask any questions that you may have regarding the rules or the test format. You will also want to review any information you will need regarding how to fill out an essay.The best advice that you can give to yourself before starting any writing project that will be based on a sample from the UBE's entrance exam is to do some research and start to learn all you can about the subject you want to write about. Take advantage of any information that you get and follow all of the directions. If you take the time to learn about the entire subject before you start to write, you will feel confident and at ease with yourself.As you begin your essay, you should always put your lesson plan into words. If you do not, you could end up losing your voice over your writing and this could keep you from ever being able to earn your Law Degree. Remember, a teacher could never let you off the hook if you failed to put into words all of the information that you learned and tried to convey in your lesson plan.You also want to make sure that your test essay is flawless. Keep it neat and clean; keep it orderly, and use every possible word to make your point. When you are done, remember to double check it to make sure that all of the spelling, grammar, and punctuation is correct.You want to be thorough in your essay preparation; writing an essay is not as easy as you might have thought. You must not lose sight of the fact that an essay is only effective if it is filled with strong learning and strong writing skills. You cannot afford to allow the competition to take over your attention and focus.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Motivation For Volunteering Is Not Always Based On...
By utilizing Bowlbyââ¬Ã¢¢s attachment theory to break down and better understand individual involvement or lack of involvement in volunteering, and then separating their individual motives into the six categories refined and developed by (Clary ET AL. 1998) from the functional theorizing of Katz in 1960 and Smith in 1956, in Understanding and Assessing the Motivation for Volunteering. We can examine how these two support systems compliment and interplay in the minds of potential support providers, and gain a better understand what motivates people to volunteer and who actually benefits more from the act of volunteering the volunteers or those they serve. Attachment theory will give a clearer understanding of the egotistic motives behindâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦Initially Bowlby saw the primary attachment figure as the mother; however he later added the father, siblings, and other family members or other people directly involved in our care as secondary figures. This system is activated when we feel the threat of separation from these attachment figures. By initiating a response referred to as attachment behavior, which initially takes the form of crying. If the caregiver is nearby and responsive to our needs, we feel secure and function normally. However, if the caregiver does not respond we will continue to display anxious behavior until our attachment figure returns and responds or our needs (Blakely Dziadosz, 2014). This anxious behavior referred to by Bowlby as attachment style, is a reaction to signals received from the attachment behavior system exhibited by us in our expectations, needs, emotions, and social behaviors as we mature (Mikulineer ET Al. Attachment style was first studied by Mary Ainsworth in 1978 who determined the primary features of secure attachment style, as well as the features of two insecure attachment styles, anxious ambivalence, and anxious avoidance. A third attachment style referred to as disorganized was added by Main Solomon in 1990 (Blakely Et Al 2014). These differences in can be measured equilaterally to determine an individualââ¬Ã¢¢s capabilities and motives for volunteering. Secure attachment facilitate altruistic helping behavior aimed at benefiting another person, even if thereShow MoreRelatedEthical Egoism Reflection Paper1739 Words à |à 7 Pagesoneself; seeking or concentrating on ones own advantage, pleasure, or well-being without regard for others.â⬠Others defined it as ââ¬Ã…"caring only for oneself.â⬠Clearly, the term selfish has a strong, negative connotation; however, does a selfish person always disregard others? In this class, although we are only 5 weeks in, each week has challenged me to think more critically. Some weeks challenge me to choose a side when Iââ¬Ã¢¢m usually in the middle. With the topic of selfishness, the hardest concept toRead MoreVoluntourism: Self-Interest or Altruism?1973 Words à |à 8 Pagesprevious two concepts fully, one must wonder at the third. This paper will talk about volunteer tourism, thus, to better understand it, as well as to better explain it and examine whether it is done in the promotion of self-interest or simply through altruistic ideals. Introduction Definition of Voluntourism In order to be able to speak about volunteer tourism one must first understand what it means. This concept goes by many different names, one of the most common of which is voluntourism. In essenceRead MoreBrand Community9592 Words à |à 39 Pagesresearch propositions for research into the influence of brand community markers and mechanisms upon donor and volunteer support of charities. INTRODUCTION ââ¬Ã…"I have always depended on the kindness of strangers.â⬠Blanche DuBois Based upon recent activity in nonprofit sector journals and publications, it is apparent that this sector has moved beyond marketing techniques and finally begun to embrace theRead MoreStephen P. Robbins Timothy A. Judge (2011) Organizational Behaviour 15th Edition New Jersey: Prentice Hall393164 Words à |à 1573 PagesIntroduction 1 What Is Organizational Behavior? 3 The Individual 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Diversity in Organizations 39 Attitudes and Job Satisfaction 69 Emotions and Moods 97 Personality and Values 131 Perception and Individual Decision Making 165 Motivation Concepts 201 Motivation: From Concepts to Applications 239 3 The Group 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 Foundations of Group Behavior 271 Understanding Work Teams 307 Communication 335 Leadership 367 Power and Politics 411 Conflict and Negotiation 445 FoundationsRead MoreDeveloping Management Skills404131 Words à |à 1617 PagesCommunication 239 The Focus on Accuracy 240 What Is Supportive Communication? 242 Coaching and Counseling 244 Coaching and Counseling Problems 245 Defensiveness and Disconfirmation 246 Principles of Supportive Communication 247 Supportive Communication Is Based on Congruence, Not Incongruence 247 Supportive Communication Is Descriptive, Not Evaluative 248 Supportive Communication Is Problem-oriented, Not Person-oriented 250 Supportive Communication Validates Rather than Invalidates Individuals 251 SupportiveRead MoreManagement Course: MbaâËâ10 General Management215330 Words à |à 862 PagesChange 174 174 Text iii Cases 221 221 225 The Consolidated Life Case: Caught Between Corporate Cultures Whoââ¬Ã¢¢s in Charge? (The)(Jim)(Davis)(Case) MorinâËâJarrell â⬠¢ Driving Shareholder Value I. Valuation 229 229 253 279 1. The ValueâËâBased Management Framework: An Overview 2. Why Value Value? 4. The Value Manager Harvard Business Review Finance Articles Eclipse of the Public Corporation 308 308 323 323 330 330 Article How I Learned to Live with Wall Street Article Second
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Marketing Myopia Essay Example For Students
Marketing Myopia Essay A R T I C L E www. hbr. org BEST OF HBR 1960 Marketing Myopia by Theodore Levitt â⬠¢ NO DO copying or posting is an infringement of copyright. [emailprotected] harvard. edu or 617. 783. 7860 Product 7243 TC OP Included with this full-text Harvard Business Review article: 1 Article Summary The Idea in Briefââ¬Ã¢the core idea The Idea in Practiceââ¬Ã¢putting the idea to work 2 Marketing Myopia 15 Further Reading A list of related materials, with annotations to guide further exploration of the articleââ¬Ã¢¢s ideas and applications YO RP OS T BEST OF HBR 1960 The Idea in Brief What business are you really in? A seemingly obvious questionââ¬Ã¢but one we should all ask before demand for our companiesââ¬Ã¢¢ products or services dwindles. The railroads failed to ask this same questionââ¬Ã¢and stopped growing. Why? Not because people no longer needed transportation. And not because other innovations (cars, airplanes) filled transportation needs. Rather, railroads stopped growing because railroads didnââ¬Ã¢¢t move to fill those needs. Their executives incorrectly thought that they were in the railroad business, not the transportation business. They viewed themselves as providing a product instead of serving customers. Too many other industries make the same mistakeââ¬Ã¢putting themselves at risk of obsolescence. How to ensure continued growth for your company? Concentrate on meeting customersââ¬Ã¢¢ needs rather than selling products. Chemical powerhouse DuPont kept a close eye on its customersââ¬Ã¢¢ most pressing concernsââ¬Ã¢and deployed its technical know-how to create an ever-expanding array of products that appealed to customers and continuously enlarged its market. If DuPont had merely found more uses for its flagship invention, nylon, it might not be around today. The Idea in Practice We put our businesses at risk of obsolescence when we accept any of the following myths: Myth 1: An ever-expanding and more affluent population will ensure our growth. When markets are expanding, we often assume we donââ¬Ã¢¢t have to think imaginatively about our businesses. Instead, we seek to outdo rivals simply by improving on what weââ¬Ã¢¢re already doing. The consequence: We increase the efficiency of making our products, rather than boosting the value those products deliver to customers. Myth 2: There is no competitive substitute for our industryââ¬Ã¢¢s major product. Believing that our products have no rivals makes our companies vulnerable to dramatic innovations from outside our industriesââ¬Ã¢often by smaller, newer companies that are focusing on customer needs rather than the products themselves. COPYRIGHT à © 2004 HARVARD BUSINESS SCHOOL PUBLISHING CORPORATION. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. DO copying or posting is an infringement of copyright. [emailprotected] harvard. edu or 617. 783. 7860 page 1 NO TC OP Myth 3: We can protect ourselves through mass production. Few of us can resist the prospect of the increased profits that come with steeply declining unit costs. But focusing on mass production emphasizes our companyââ¬Ã¢¢s needsââ¬Ã¢when we should be emphasizing our customersââ¬Ã¢¢. Myth 4: Technical research and development will ensure our growth. When RD produces breakthrough products, we may be tempted to organize our companies around the technology rather than the consumer. Instead, we should remain focused on satisfying customer needs. YO RP OS T Marketing Myopia BEST OF HBR 1960 by Theodore Levitt OP COPYRIGHT à © 2004 HARVARD BUSINESS SCHOOL PUBLISHING CORPORATION. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. DO We always know when an HBR article hits the big time. Journalists write about it, pundits talk about it, executives route copies of it around the organization, and its vocabulary becomes familiar to managers everywhereââ¬Ã¢sometimes to the point where they donââ¬Ã¢¢t even associate the words with the original article. Most important, of course, managers change how they do business because the ideas in the piece helped them see issues in a new light. ââ¬Ã…"Marketing Myopiaâ⬠is the quintessential big hit HBR piece. In it, Theodore Levitt, who was then a lecturer in business administration at the Harvard Business School, introduced the famous question, ââ¬Ã…"What business are you really in? and with it the claim that, had railroad executives seen themselves as being in the transportation business rather than the railroad business, they would have continued to grow. The article is as much about strategy as it is about marketing, but it also introduced the most in? uential marketing idea of the past half-century: that businesses will do better in the end if they concentrate on meeting customersââ¬Ã¢¢ needs rather than on selling prod- TC NO copying or posting is an infringement of copyright. [emailprotected] harvard. edu or 617. 783. 860 harvard business review â⬠¢ top-line growth â⬠¢ julyââ¬Ã¢august 2004 page 2 YO ucts. ââ¬Ã…"Marketing Myopiaâ⬠won the McKinsey Award in 1960. RP Every major industry was once a growth industry. But some that are now riding a wave of growth enthusiasm are very much in the shadow of decline. Others that are thought of as seasoned growth industries have actually stopped growing. In every case, the reason growth is threatened, slowed, or stopped is not because the market is saturated. It is because there has been a failure of management. Marketing Myopia Fateful Purposes The failure is at the top. The executives responsible for it, in the last analysis, are those who deal with broad aims and policies. Thus: â⬠¢ The railroads did not stop growing because the need for passenger and freight transportation declined. That grew. The railroads are in trouble today not because that need was ? lled by others (cars, trucks, airplanes, and even telephones) but because it was not ? lled by the railroads themselves. They let others take custom- OS T Sustained growth depends on how broadly you define your businessââ¬Ã¢ and how carefully you gauge your customersââ¬Ã¢¢ needs. Marketing Myopia â⬠¢Ãƒ¢Ã¢¬ ¢ â⬠¢B EST OF HBR 1960 DO Theodore Levitt, a longtime professor of marketing at Harvard Business School in Boston, is now professor emeritus. His most recent books are Thinking About Management (1990) and The Marketing Imagination (1983), both from Free Press. ers away from them because they assumed themselves to be in the railroad business rather than in the transportation business. The reason they de? ned their industry incorrectly was that they were railroad oriented instead of transportation oriented; they were product oriented instead of customer oriented. Hollywood barely escaped being totally ravished by television. Actually, all the established ? lm companies went through drastic reorganizations. Some simply disappeared. All of them got into trouble not because of TVââ¬Ã¢¢s inroads but because of their own myopia. As with the railroads, Hollywood de? ned its business incorrectly. It thought it was in the movie business when it was actually in the entertainment business. ââ¬Ã…"Moviesâ⬠implied a speci? c, limited product. This produced a fatuous contentment that from the beginning led producers to view TV as a threat. Hollywood scorned and rejected TV when it should have welcomed it as an opportunityââ¬Ã¢an opportunity to expand the entertainment business. Today, TV is a bigger business than the old narrowly de? ned movie business ever was. Had Hollywood been customer oriented (providing entertainment) rather than product oriented (making movies), would it have gone through the ? scal purgatory that it did? I doubt it. What ultimately saved Hollywood and accounted for its resurgence was the wave of new young writers, producers, and directors whose previous successes in television had decimated the old movie companies and toppled the big movie moguls. There are other, less obvious examples of industries that have been and are now endangering their futures by improperly de? ning their purposes. I shall discuss some of them in detail later and analyze the kind of policies that lead to trouble. Right now, it may help to show what a thoroughly customer-oriented management can do to keep a growth industry growing, even after the obvious opportunities have been exhausted, and here there are two examples that have been around for a long time. They are nylon and glassââ¬Ã¢speci? cally, E. I. du Pont de Nemours and Company and Corning Glass Works. Both companies have great technical competence. Their product orientation is unquestioned. But this alone does not explain their success. After all, who was more pridefully product oriented and product conscious than the erstwhile New England textile companies that have been so thoroughly massacred? The DuPonts and the Cornings have succeeded not primarily because of their product or research orientation but because they have been thoroughly customer oriented also. It is constant watchfulness for opportunities to apply their technical know-how to the creation of ustomer-satisfying uses that accounts for their prodigious output of successful new products. Without a very sophisticated eye on the customer, most of their new products might have been wrong, their sales methods useless. Aluminum has also continued to be a growth industry, thanks to the efforts of two wartime-created companies that deliberately set about inventing new customer-satisfying uses. Without Kaiser Aluminum Chemi cal Corporation and Reynolds Metals Company, the total demand for aluminum today would be vastly less. Error of Analysis. Some may argue that it is foolish to set the railroads off against aluminum or the movies off against glass. Are not aluminum and glass naturally so versatile that the industries are bound to have more growth opportunities than the railroads and the movies? This view commits precisely the error I have been talking about. It de? nes an industry or a product or a cluster of know-how so narrowly as to guarantee its premature senescence. When we mention ââ¬Ã…"railroads,â⬠we should make sure we mean ââ¬Ã…"transportation. â⬠As transporters, the railroads still have a good chance for very considerable growth. They are not limited to the railroad business as such (though in my opinion, rail transportation is potentially a much stronger transportation medium than is generally believed). What the railroads lack is not opportunity but some of the managerial imaginativeness and audacity that made them great. Even an amateur like Jacques Barzun can see what is lacking when he says, ââ¬Ã…"I grieve to see the most advanced physical and social organization of the last century go down in shabby disgrace for lack of the same comprehensive imagination that built it up. What is lacking is] the will of the companies to survive and to satisfy the public by inventiveness and skill. â⬠1 NO TC OP copying or posting is an infringement of copyright. [emailprotected] harvard. edu or 617. 783. 7860 harvard business review â⬠¢ top-line growth â⬠¢ julyââ¬Ã¢august 2004 page 3 YO RP Shadow of Obsolescence It is impossible to mention a single major industry that did not at one time qualify for the OS T Marketing Myopia â⬠¢Ãƒ¢Ã¢¬ ¢ â⬠¢B EST OF HBR 1960 DO magic appellation of ââ¬Ã…"growth industry. â⬠In each case, the industryââ¬Ã¢¢s assumed strength lay in the apparently unchallenged superiority of its product. There appeared to be no effective substitute for it. It was itself a runaway substitute for the product it so triumphantly replaced. Yet one after another of these celebrated industries has come under a shadow. Let us look brie? y at a few more of them, this time taking examples that have so far received a little less attention. Dry Cleaning. This was once a growth industry with lavish prospects. In an age of wool garments, imagine being ? nally able to get them clean safely and easily. The boom was on. Yet here we are 30 years after the boom started, and the industry is in trouble. Where has the competition come from? From a better way of cleaning? No. It has come from synthetic ? bers and chemical additives that have cut the need for dry cleaning. But this is only the beginning. Lurking in the wings and ready to make chemical dry cleaning totally obsolete is that powerful magician, ultrasonics. Electric Utilities. This is another one of those supposedly ââ¬Ã…"no substituteâ⬠products that has been enthroned on a pedestal of invincible growth. When the incandescent lamp came along, kerosene lights were ? nished. Later, the waterwheel and the steam engine were cut to ribbons by the ? xibility, reliability, simplicity, and just plain easy availability of electric motors. The prosperity of electric utilities continues to wax extravagant as the home is converted into a museum of electric gadgetry. How can anybody miss by investing in utilities, with no competition, nothing but growth ahead? But a second look is not quite so comforting. A score of nonutility c ompanies are well advanced toward developing a powerful chemical fuel cell, which could sit in some hidden closet of every home silently ticking off electric power. The electric lines that vulgarize so many neighborhoods would be eliminated. So would the endless demolition of streets and service interruptions during storms. Also on the horizon is solar energy, again pioneered by nonutility companies. Who says that the utilities have no competition? They may be natural monopolies now, but tomorrow they may be natural deaths. To avoid this prospect, they too will have to develop fuel cells, solar energy, and other power sources. To survive, they themselves will have to plot the obsolescence of what now produces their livelihood. Grocery Stores. Many people ? nd it hard to realize that there ever was a thriving establishment known as the ââ¬Ã…"corner store. The supermarket took over with a powerful effectiveness. Yet the big food chains of the 1930s narrowly escaped being completely wiped out by the aggressive expansion of independent supermarkets. The ? rst genuine supermarket was opened in 1930, in Jamaica, Long Island. By 1933, supermarkets were thriving in California, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and elsewhere. Yet the establis hed chains pompously ignored them. When they chose to notice them, it was with such derisive descriptions as ââ¬Ã…"cheapy,â⬠ââ¬Ã…"horse-and-buggy,â⬠ââ¬Ã…"cracker-barrel storekeeping,â⬠and ââ¬Ã…"unethical opportunists. The executive of one big chain announced at the time that he found it ââ¬Ã…"hard to believe that people will drive for miles to shop for foods and sacri? ce the personal service chains have perfected and to which is accustomed. â⬠2 As late as 1936, the National Wholesale Grocers convention and the New Jersey Retail Grocers Association said there was nothing to fear. They said that the supersââ¬Ã¢¢ narrow appeal to the price buyer limited the size of their market. They had to draw from miles around. When imitators came, there would be wholesale liquidations as volume fell. The high sales of the supers were said to be partly due to their novelty. People wanted convenient neighborhood grocers. If the neighborhood stores would ââ¬Ã…"cooperate with their suppliers, pay attention to their costs, and improve their service,â⬠they would be able to weather the competition until it blew over. 3 It never blew over. The chains discovered that survival required going into the supermarket business. This meant the wholesale destruction of their huge investments in corner store sites and in established distribution and merchandising methods. The companies with ââ¬Ã…"the courage of their convictionsâ⬠resolutely stuck to the corner store philosophy. They kept their pride but lost their shirts. A Self-Deceiving Cycle. But memories are short. For example, it is hard for people who today con? dently hail the twin messiahs of electronics and chemicals to see how things could possibly go wrong with these galloping industries. They probably also cannot see how copying or posting is an infringement of copyright. [emailprotected] harvard. edu or 617. 783. 7860 harvard business review â⬠¢ top-line growth â⬠¢ julyââ¬Ã¢august 2004 page 4 NO TC OP YO RP OS T Marketing Myopia â⬠¢Ãƒ¢Ã¢¬ ¢ â⬠¢B EST OF HBR 1960 DO copying or posting is an infringement of copyright. [emailprotected] harvard. edu or 617. 783. 7860 harvard business review â⬠¢ top-line growth â⬠¢ julyââ¬Ã¢august 2004 page 5 NO TC It is hard for people who hail the twin messiahs of electronics and chemicals to see how things could possibly go wrong with these galloping industries. a reasonably sensible businessperson could have been as myopic as the famous Boston millionaire who early in the twentieth century unintentionally sentenced his heirs to poverty by stipulating that his entire estate be forever invested exclusively in electric streetcar securities. His posthumous declaration, ââ¬Ã…"There will always be a big demand for ef? cient urban transportation,â⬠is no consolation to his heirs, who sustain life by pumping gasoline at automobile ? lling stations. Yet, in a casual survey I took among a group of intelligent business executives, nearly half agreed that it would be hard to hurt their heirs by tying their estates forever to the electronics industry. When I then confronted them with the Boston streetcar example, they chorused unanimously, ââ¬Ã…"Thatââ¬Ã¢¢s different! â⬠But is it? Is not the basic situation identical? In truth, there is no such thing as a growth industry, I believe. There are only companies organized and operated to create and capitalize on growth opportunities. Industries that assume themselves to be riding some automatic growth escalator invariably descend into stagnation. The history of every dead and dying ââ¬Ã…"growthâ⬠industry shows a self-deceiving cycle of bountiful expansion and undetected decay. There are four conditions that usually guarantee this cycle: 1. The belief that growth is assured by an expanding and more af? uent population; 2. The belief that there is no competitive substitute for the industryââ¬Ã¢¢s major product; 3. Too much faith in mass production and in the advantages of rapidly declining unit costs as output rises; 4. Preoccupation with a product that lends itself to carefully controlled scienti? c experimentation, improvement, and manufacturing cost reduction. I should like now to examine each of these conditions in some detail. To build my case as boldly as possible, I shall illustrate the points with reference to three industries: petroleum, automobiles, and electronics. Iââ¬Ã¢¢ll focus on petroleum in particular, because it spans more years and more vicissitudes. Not only do these three industries have excellent reputations with the general public and also enjoy the con? dence of sophisticated investors, but their managements have become known for progressive thinking in areas like ? nancial control, product research, and management training. If The belief that pro? ts are assured by an expanding and more af? uent population is dear to the heart of every industry. It takes the edge off the apprehensions everybody understandably feels about the future. If consumers are multiplying and also buying more of your product or service, you can face the future with considerably more comfort than if the market were shrinking. An expanding market keeps the manufacturer from having to think very hard or imaginatively. If thinking is an intellectual response to a problem, then the absence of a problem leads to the absence of thinking. If your product has an automatically expanding market, then you will not give much thought to how to expand it. One of the most interesting examples of this is provided by the petroleum industry. Probably our oldest growth industry, it has an enviable record. While there are some current concerns about its growth rate, the industry itself tends to be optimistic. But I believe it can be demonstrated that it is undergoing a fundamental yet typical change. It is not only ceasing to be a growth industry but may actually be a declining one, relative to other businesses. Although there is widespread unawareness of this fact, it is conceivable that in time, the oil industry may ? nd itself in much the same position of retrospective glory that the railroads are now in. Despite its pioneering work in developing and applying the present-value method of investment evaluation, in employee relations, and in working with developing countries, the petroleum business is a distressing example of how complacency and wrongheadedness can stubbornly convert opportunity into near disaster. One of the characteristics of this and other industries that have believed very strongly in the bene? cial consequences of an expanding population, while at the same time having a generic product for which there has appeared to be no ompetitive substitute, is that the individual companies have sought to outdo their competitors by improving on what they are already doing. This makes sense, of course, if one assumes that sales are tied to the countryââ¬Ã¢¢s population strings, because the customer can OP YO RP OS Population Myth T obsolescence can cripple even these industries, it can happen anywhere. Marketing Myopia â⬠¢Ãƒ¢Ã¢¬ ¢ â⬠¢B EST OF HBR 1960 DO copying or posti ng is an infringement of copyright. [emailprotected] harvard. edu or 617. 783. 7860 harvard business review â⬠¢ top-line growth â⬠¢ julyââ¬Ã¢august 2004 page 6 NO TC OP The history of every dead and dying ââ¬Ã…"growthâ⬠industry shows a selfdeceiving cycle of bountiful expansion and undetected decay. compare products only on a feature-by-feature basis. I believe it is signi? cant, for example, that not since John D. Rockefeller sent free kerosene lamps to China has the oil industry done anything really outstanding to create a demand for its product. Not even in product improvement has it showered itself with eminence. The greatest single improvementââ¬Ã¢the development of tetraethyl leadââ¬Ã¢came from outside the industry, speci? cally from General Motors and DuPont. The big contributions made by the industry itself are con? ned to the technology of oil exploration, oil production, and oil re? ning. Asking for Trouble. In other words, the petroleum industryââ¬Ã¢¢s efforts have focused on improving the ef? ciency of getting and making its product, not really on improving the generic product or its marketing. Moreover, its chief product has continually been de? ned in the narrowest possible termsââ¬Ã¢namely, gasoline, not energy, fuel, or transportation. This attitude has helped assure that: â⬠¢ Major improvements in gasoline quality tend not to originate in the oil industry. Shintoism In Japan EssayNone of them is spending a fraction as much on research in these profoundly important areas as it is on the usual run-of-the-mill things like reducing combustion chamber deposits in gasoline engines. One major integrated petroleum company recently took a tentative look at the fuel cell and concluded that although ââ¬Ã…"the companies actively working on it indicate a belief in ultimate successâ⬠¦the timing and magnitude of its impact are too remote to warrant recognition in our forecasts. â⬠One might, of course, ask, Why should the oil companies do anything different? Would not chemical fuel cells, batteries, or solar energy kill the present product lines? The answer is that they would indeed, and that is precisely the reason for the oil ? rmsââ¬Ã¢¢ having to develop these power units before their competitors do, so they will not be companies without an industry. Management might be more likely to do what is needed for its own preservation if it thought of itself as being in the energy business. But even that will not be enough if it persists in imprisoning itself in the narrow grip of its tight product orientation. It has to think of itself as taking care of customer needs, not ? nding, re? ning, or even selling oil. Once it genuinely thinks of its business as taking care of peopleââ¬Ã¢¢s transportation needs, nothing can stop it from creating its own extravagantly pro? table growth. Creative Destruction. Since words are cheap and deeds are dear, it may be appropriate to indicate what this kind of thinking involves and leads to. Let us start at the beginning: the customer. It can be shown that motorists strongly dislike the bother, delay, and experience of buying gasoline. People actually do not buy gasoline. They cannot see it, taste it, feel it, appreciate it, or really test it. What they buy is the right to continue driving their cars. The gas station is like a tax collector to whom people are compelled to pay a peri- copying or posting is an infringement of copyright. [emailprotected] harvard. edu or 617. 783. 7860 harvard business review â⬠¢ top-line growth â⬠¢ julyââ¬Ã¢august 2004 page 10 NO TC OP YO RP OS T Marketing Myopia â⬠¢Ãƒ¢Ã¢¬ ¢ â⬠¢B EST OF HBR 1960 DO copying or posting is an infringement of copyright. [emailprotected] harvard. edu or 617. 783. 7860 harvard business review â⬠¢ top-line growth â⬠¢ julyââ¬Ã¢august 2004 page 11 NO TC It is not surprising that, having created a successful company by making a superior product, management continues to be oriented toward the product rather than the people who consume it. odic toll as the price of using their cars. This makes the gas station a basically unpopular institution. It can never be made popular or pleasant, only less unpopular, less unpleasant. Reducing its unpopularity completely means eliminating it. Nobody likes a tax collector, not even a pleasantly cheerful one. Nobody likes to interrupt a trip to buy a phantom product, not even from a handsome Adonis or a seductive Venus. Hence, companies that are working on exotic fuel substitutes that will eliminate the need for frequent refueling are heading directly into the outstretched arms of the irritated motorist. They are riding a wave of inevitability, not because they are creating something that is technologically superior or more sophisticated but because they are satisfying a powerful customer need. They are also eliminating noxious odors and air pollution. Once the petroleum companies recognize the customer-satisfying logic of what another power system can do, they will see that they have no more choice about working on an ef? ient, long-lasting fuel (or some way of delivering present fuels without bothering the motorist) than the big food chains had a choice about going into the supermarket business or the vacuum tube companies had a choice about making semiconductors. For their own good, the oil ? rms will have to destroy their own highly pro? table assets. No amount of wishful thinking can save them from the necessity of engaging in this form of ââ¬Ã…"creative destruction. â⬠I phrase the need as strongly as this because I think management must make quite an effort to break itself loose from conventional ways. It is all too easy in this day and age for a company or industry to let its sense of purpose become dominated by the economies of full production and to develop a dangerously lopsided product orientation. In short, if management lets itself drift, it invariably drifts in the direction of thinking of itself as producing goods and services, not customer satisfactions. While it probably will not descend to the depths of telling its salespeople, ââ¬Ã…"You get rid of it; weââ¬Ã¢¢ll worry about pro? ts,â⬠it can, without knowing it, be practicing precisely that formula for withering decay. The historic fate of one growth industry after another has been its suicidal product provincialism. Another big danger to a ? rmââ¬Ã¢¢s continued growth arises when top management is wholly trans? xed by the pro? t possibilities of technical research and development. To illustrate, I shall turn ? rst to a new industryââ¬Ã¢electronicsââ¬Ã¢and then return once more to the oil companies. By comparing a fresh example with a familiar one, I hope to emphasize the prevalence and insidiousness of a hazardous way of thinking. Marketing Shortchanged. In the case of electronics, the greatest danger that faces the glamorous new companies in this ? ld is not that they do not pay enough attention to research and development but that they pay too much attention to it. And the fact that the fastest-growing electronics ? rms owe their eminence to their heavy emphasis on technical research is completely beside the point. They have vaulted to af? uence on a sudden crest of unusually strong gene ral receptiveness to new technical ideas. Also, their success has been shaped in the virtually guaranteed market of military subsidies and by military orders that in many cases actually preceded the existence of facilities to make the products. Their expansion has, in other words, been almost totally devoid of marketing effort. Thus, they are growing up under conditions that come dangerously close to creating the illusion that a superior product will sell itself. It is not surprising that, having created a successful company by making a superior product, management continues to be oriented toward the product rather than the people who consume it. It develops the philosophy that continued growth is a matter of continued product innovation and improvement. A number of other factors tend to strengthen and sustain this belief: 1. Because electronic products are highly complex and sophisticated, managements become top-heavy with engineers and scientists. This creates a selective bias in favor of research and production at the expense of marketing. The organization tends to view itself as making things rather than as satisfying customer needs. Marketing gets treated as a residual activity, ââ¬Ã…"something elseâ⬠that must be done once the vital job of product creation and production is completed. 2. To this bias in favor of product research, development, and production is added the bias OP YO RP OS T Dangers of RD Marketing Myopia â⬠¢Ãƒ¢Ã¢¬ ¢ â⬠¢B EST OF HBR 1960 DO in favor of dealing with controllable variables. Engineers and scientists are at home in the world of concrete things like machines, test tubes, production lines, and even balance sheets. The abstractions to which they feel kindly are those that are testable or manipulatable in the laboratory or, if not testable, then functional, such as Euclidââ¬Ã¢¢s axioms. In short, the managements of the new glamour-growth companies tend to favor business activities that lend themselves to careful study, experimentation, and controlââ¬Ã¢the hard, practical realities of the lab, the shop, and the books. What gets shortchanged are the realities of the market. Consumers are unpredictable, varied, ? ckle, stupid, shortsighted, stubborn, and generally bothersome. This is not what the engineer managers say, but deep down in their consciousness, it is what they believe. And this accounts for their concentration on what they know and what they can controlââ¬Ã¢namely, product research, engineering, and production. The emphasis on production becomes particularly attractive when the product can be made at declining unit costs. There is no more inviting way of making money than by running the plant full blast. The top-heavy science-engineering-production orientation of so many electronics companies works reasonably well today because they are pushing into new frontiers in which the armed services have pioneered virtually assured markets. The companies are in the felicitous position of having to ? ll, not ? nd, markets, of not having to discover what the customer needs and wants but of having the customer voluntarily come forward with speci? c new product demands. If a team of consultants had been assigned speci? cally to design a business situation calculated to prevent the mergence and development of a customer-oriented marketing viewpoint, it could not have produced anything better than the conditions just described. Stepchild Treatment. The oil industry is a stunning example of how science, technology, and mass production can divert an entire group of companies from their main task. To the extent the consumer is studied at all (which is not much), the focus is forever on getting informa tion that is designed to help the oil companies improve what they are now doing. They try to discover more convincing advertising themes, more effective sales promotional drives, what the market shares of he various companies are, what people like or dislike about service station dealers and oil companies, and so forth. Nobody seems as interested in probing deeply into the basic human needs that the industry might be trying to satisfy as in probing into the basic properties of the raw material that the companies work with in trying to deliver customer satisfactions. Basic questions about customers and markets seldom get asked. The latter occupy a stepchild status. They are recognized as existing, as having to be taken care of, but not worth very much real thought or dedicated attention. No oil company gets as excited about the customers in its own backyard as about the oil in the Sahara Desert. Nothing illustrates better the neglect of marketing than its treatment in the industry press. The centennial issue of the American Petroleum Institute Quarterly, published in 1959 to celebrate the discovery of oil in Titusville, Pennsylvania, contained 21 feature articles proclaiming the industryââ¬Ã¢¢s greatness. Only one of these talked about its achievements in marketing, and that was only a pictorial record of how service station architecture has changed. The issue also contained a special section on ââ¬Ã…"New Horizons,â⬠which was devoted to showing the magni? cent role oil would play in Americaââ¬Ã¢¢s future. Every reference was ebulliently optimistic, never implying once that oil might have some hard competition. Even the reference to atomic energy was a cheerful catalog of how oil would help make atomic energy a success. There was not a single apprehension that the oil industryââ¬Ã¢¢s af? uence might be threatened or a suggestion that one ââ¬Ã…"new horizonâ⬠might include new and better ways of serving oilââ¬Ã¢¢s present customers. But the most revealing example of the stepchild treatment that marketing gets is still another special series of short articles on ââ¬Ã…"The Revolutionary Potential of Electronics. â⬠Under that heading, this list of articles appeared in the table of contents: â⬠¢ ââ¬Ã…"In the Search for Oilâ⬠â⬠¢ ââ¬Ã…"In Production Operationsâ⬠â⬠¢ ââ¬Ã…"In Re? nery Processesâ⬠â⬠¢ ââ¬Ã…"In Pipeline Operationsâ⬠Signi? cantly, every one of the industryââ¬Ã¢¢s major functional areas is listed, except marketing. Why? Either it is believed that electronics holds no revolutionary potential for petroleum copying or posting is an infringement of copyright. [emailprotected] arvard. edu or 617. 783. 7860 harvard business review â⬠¢ top-line growth â⬠¢ julyââ¬Ã¢august 2004 page 12 NO TC OP YO RP OS T Marketing Myopia â⬠¢Ãƒ¢Ã¢¬ ¢ â⬠¢B EST OF HBR 1960 DO marketing (which is palpably wrong), or the editors forgot to discuss marketing (which is m ore likely and illustrates its stepchild status). The order in which the four functional areas are listed also betrays the alienation of the oil industry from the consumer. The industry is implicitly de? ned as beginning with the search for oil and ending with its distribution from the re? nery. But the truth is, it seems to me, that the industry begins ith the needs of the customer for its products. From that primal position its de? nition moves steadily back stream to areas of progressively lesser importance until it ? nally comes to rest at the search for oil. The Beginning and End. The view that an industry is a customer-satisfying process, not a goods-producing process, is vital for all businesspeople to understand. An industry begins with the customer and his or her needs, not with a patent, a raw material, or a selling skill. Given the customerââ¬Ã¢¢s needs, the industry develops backwards, ? rst concerning itself with the physical delivery of customer satisfactions. Then it moves back further to creating the things by which these satisfactions are in part achieved. How these materials are created is a matter of indifference to the customer, hence the particular form of manufacturing, processing, or what have you cannot be considered as a vital aspect of the industry. Finally, the industry moves back still further to ? nding the raw materials necessary for making its products. The irony of some industries oriented toward technical research and development is that the scientists who occupy the high executive positions are totally unscienti? c when it comes to de? ing their companiesââ¬Ã¢¢ overall needs and purposes. They violate the ? rst two rules of the scienti? c method: being aware of and de? ning their companiesââ¬Ã¢¢ problems and then developing testable hypotheses about solving them. They are scienti? c only about the convenient things, such as laboratory and product experiments. The customer (and the satisfaction of his or her deepest needs) is not considered to be ââ¬Ã…"the problemâ⬠ââ¬Ã¢not because there is any certain belief that no such problem exists but because an organizational lifetime has conditioned management to look in the opposite direction. Marketing is a stepchild. I do not mean that selling is ignored. Far YO from it. But selling, again, is not marketing. As already pointed out, selling concerns itself with the tricks and techniques of getting people to exchange their cash for your product. It is not concerned with the values that the exchange is all about. And it does not, as marketing invariably does, view the entire business process as consisting of a tightly integrated effort to discover, create, arouse, and satisfy customer needs. The customer is somebody ââ¬Ã…"out thereâ⬠who, with proper cunning, can be separated from his or her loose change. Actually, not even selling gets much attention in some technologically minded ? rms. Because there is a virtually guaranteed market for the abundant ? ow of their new products, they do not actually know what a real market is. It is as if they lived in a planned economy, moving their products routinely from factory to retail outlet. Their successful concentration on products tends to convince them of the soundness of what they have been doing, and they fail to see the gathering clouds over the market. Less than 75 years ago, American railroads enjoyed a ? erce loyalty among astute Wall Streeters. European monarchs invested in them heavily. Eternal wealth was thought to be the benediction for anybody who could scrape together a few thousand dollars to put into rail stocks. No other form of transportation could compete with the railroads in speed, ? exibility, durability, economy, and growth potentials. As Jacques Barzun put it, ââ¬Ã…"By the turn of the century it was an institution, an image of man, a tradition, a code of honor, a source of poetry, a nursery of boyhood desires, a sublimest of toys, and the most solemn machineââ¬Ã¢next to the funeral hearseââ¬Ã¢that marks the epochs in manââ¬Ã¢¢s life. 6 Even after the advent of automobiles, trucks, and airplanes, the railroad tycoons remained imperturbably self-con? dent. If you had told them 60 years ago that in 30 years they would be ? at on their backs, broke, and pleading for government subsidies, they would have thought you totally demented. Such a future was simply not considered possible. It was not even a disc ussable subject, or an askable question, or a matter that any sane person would consider worth speculating about. Yet a lot of ââ¬Ã…"insaneâ⬠notions now have matter-of-fact RP copying or posting is an infringement of copyright. [emailprotected] harvard. edu or 617. 783. 7860 harvard business review â⬠¢ top-line growth â⬠¢ julyââ¬Ã¢august 2004 page 13 NO TC OP OS â⬠¢Ãƒ¢Ã¢¬ ¢Ãƒ¢Ã¢¬ ¢ T Marketing Myopia â⬠¢Ãƒ¢Ã¢¬ ¢ â⬠¢B EST OF HBR 1960 DO copying or posting is an infringement of copyright. [emailprotected] harvard. edu or 617. 783. 7860 harvard business review â⬠¢ top-line growth â⬠¢ julyââ¬Ã¢august 2004 page 14 NO acceptanceââ¬Ã¢for example, the idea of 100-ton tubes of metal moving smoothly through the air 20,000 feet above the earth, loaded with 100 sane and solid citizens casually drinking martinisââ¬Ã¢and they have dealt cruel blows to the railroads. What speci? cally must other companies do to avoid this fate? What does customer orientation involve? These questions have in part been answered by the preceding examples and analysis. It would take another article to show in detail what is required for speci? c industries. In any case, it should be obvious that building an effective customer-oriented company involves far more than good intentions or promotional tricks; it involves profound matters of human organization and leadership. For the present, let me merely suggest what appear to be some general requirements. The Visceral Feel of Greatness. Obviously, the company has to do what survival demands. It has to adapt to the requirements of the market, and it has to do it sooner rather than later. But mere survival is a so-so aspiration. Anybody can survive in some way or other, even the skid row bum. The trick is to survive gallantly, to feel the surging impulse of commercial mastery: not just to experience the sweet smell of success but to have the visceral feel of entrepreneurial greatness. No organization can achieve greatness without a vigorous leader who is driven onward by a pulsating will to succeed. A leader has to have a vision of grandeur, a vision that can produce eager followers in vast numbers. In business, the followers are the customers. In order to produce these customers, the entire corporation must be viewed as a customercreating and customer-satisfying organism. Management must think of itself not as producing products but as providing customercreating value satisfactions. It must push this OP idea (and everything it means and requires) into every nook and cranny of the organization. It has to do this continuously and with the kind of ? ir that excites and stimulates the people in it. Otherwise, the company will be merely a series of pigeonholed parts, with no consolidating sense of purpose or direction. In short, the organization must learn to think of itself not as producing goods or services but as buying customers, as doing the things that will make people want to do business with it. And the chief executive has the inescapable responsibility for creating this env ironment, this viewpoint, this attitude, this aspiration. The chief executive must set the companyââ¬Ã¢¢s style, its direction, and its goals. This means knowing precisely where he or she wants to go and making sure the whole organization is enthusiastically aware of where that is. This is a ? rst requisite of leadership, for unless a leader knows where he is going, any road will take him there. If any road is okay, the chief executive might as well pack his attache case and go ? shing. If an organization does not know or care where it is going, it does not need to advertise that fact with a ceremonial ? gurehead. Everybody will notice it soon enough. TC YO RP 1. Jacques Barzun, ââ¬Ã…"Trains and the Mind of Man,â⬠Holiday, February 1960. 2. For more details, see M. M. Zimmerman, The Super Market: A Revolution in Distribution (McGraw-Hill, 1955). 3. Ibid. , pp. 45ââ¬Ã¢47. 4. John Kenneth Galbraith, The Af? uent Society (Houghton Mif? in, 1958). 5. Henry Ford, My Life and Work (Doubleday, 1923). 6. Barzun, ââ¬Ã…"Trains and the Mind of Man. â⬠Reprint R0407L Harvard Business Review OnPoint 7243 To order, see the next page or call 800-988-
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